It's a New Year's tradition to plan for self-improvement in the coming year----we prepare --or hope--to become our better selves.
Chect out some of these tech-related New Year's resolutions committed here to accomplishing in the New Year.
The free service installs a browser plugin that gives you access to all your passwords from any browser, so you can log in in at work or at home.
On Twitter,yoy have the option of "protecting" your tweets so that only people you approve can see them. Your Tweets don't show up in searches,either.
So I am Following All things What I've Written Above. Do You Follow These Resolutions . Let us Know in comments.
Chect out some of these tech-related New Year's resolutions committed here to accomplishing in the New Year.
---> Update Software
You know those annoying remainders to update to the latest version of your operating system,Web browser or other software you've ignored for the past few months.Instead of clicking " Cancel " take the time to get the latest versions.Updated s/w helps to keep you safer from viruses and hackers and always try to be on Safer side.
For Operating system such Windows try to Update within the Control Panel.Browser like Chrome and Firefox only update when they start up.Try to try Update available for other Software,check sites like PC Pitstop.
---> BackUp all Your Devices
As a computer user ,you back up your computer regularly. Right ? If not, you can get set up in a jiffy with built-in apps.For Windows machines,use the Windows Backup app.For Macs,the best solution is Time Machine.(You can use any hard
drive with Time Machine, but Apple makes a wireless drive called
Time Capsule that makes the process especially smooth.)
On Android, you can wirelessly back up some key settings such as preference and bookmarks by
selecting "Back up my data" under "Personal" in the Setting menu.
---> Change Your Passwords
Your Account security depends not just on strong passwords that include numbers and symbols, but on using different strong passwords for each account you got.The free service installs a browser plugin that gives you access to all your passwords from any browser, so you can log in in at work or at home.
---> Check Social media privacy settings
On Facebook, you can control who sees what you post.Use the auidence selector to decide if everyone, only friends or a custom list is able to see a post. Under "Privacy Settings," you can also limit who can see older posts that were created before Facebook added its Friends selection process.On Twitter,yoy have the option of "protecting" your tweets so that only people you approve can see them. Your Tweets don't show up in searches,either.
---> Get Outside
As much as we love our Gadgets,getting fresh air and human interactions should be a high priority. Don't stay Sticked to your laptop or Mobile or Tablets all the time it Effects Our Health also.
So I am Following All things What I've Written Above. Do You Follow These Resolutions . Let us Know in comments.
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